23 October 2011

Review : Post Kerja By Ayumi Sakura

Salam Blogger...

Hari nie fiq jadi panas semacam bila baca blog MyOrked..

Ade cite fiq review lepas nie...So u`all baca ye

Salam Blogger utk semua...

kalo nk ikutkan hati yg tengah terguris neh..memang aku xnk jejak kaki kat company yg aku keje skrg neh...
tp disebabkan tuntutan hidup mencari rezeki, aku pekak kan telinga, pejamkan mata...(tapi sampai bila?)
sial!! bangang!! utk sapa? of coz utk si kerbau pendek n si cicak kobeng...

6 month already pass and my probation contract will expired this 31st Okt 2011..
n supposedly they confirm me as a staff but.....

perbalahan bermula...

si cicak kobeng : huh...sorry to inform u that after we calculate your mark n ur performance did not satisfy..
we also notice that u also doesn't have initiative to work...

aku: what? what do u mean about no initiative to work? I've done everything 4 this company.. 

si kebau pendek : means that every work, I must ask 1st then u will do... u did no have thought to do by ur own

aku : diam...(silence is better!!) 6 bulan aku bertungkus lumus buat yg terbaik, ini yg diaorg ckp!! xda inisiatif!! WTF!!! perkauman!! aku taw even aku bt level best ttp ada saja alasan yg pling bodoh xnk confirm aku....kalau bangsa sial diaorg xsmpai 6 bln dah boleh confirm..even tidoq dpn bos pun ttp nmpak bagus...

si cicak kobeng : so..is there anything u want to speak up?

aku : smbil memegang borang kaler biru..teliti 1 persatu marks aku....then aku tnya....this section regarding communication towards supplier n subordinate... can u explain y i only  get this 2 marks.....

si kerbau pendek : that mean someone complain u loo.....

aku : can i know who? as i know i always maintain my relationship with supplier n subordinate...until this time no one ever complain regarding my works....

si kerbau pendek : rite now, no need to ask who complain...no need to talk about that... supposed u do ur work much better than now... 

aku : sial!! mna ada supplier complain pasal aku! semua ok ja... sampai ke thap aku snggup belaja ckp jepun sbb nk jga hati supplier n nk communicate dgn diaorg....arg...ckp ja hang takut status hg tergugat..sbb tu duk buruk kan aku dpn si cicak kobeng.... mmg nak mampus betoi minah ni.... (marahku dlm hati)
aku bersuara....ok fine! talk to much also cannot change anything...i accept all! (aku pasrah)

si cicak kobeng : so we will renew your contract 4 another 6 six month. but starting 1st Nov u will replace syue position since she will resign... so ur colleague ina will cover downstairs job alone. u will replace ina job if let say she on leave or lunch n tea break. N also company will give u 1 laptop. but remember if me myself or IT dept detect that u misuse ur laptop during office hours 8 am until 5 pm , company will issues warning letter n its will effect ur performance n also maybe company will terminate u.. i will job down the condition in this paper.. 

aku : dlm hati... aku xhadap sngt la nk bg laptop company tu! n aku x hadap nk gna internet company yg mcm siput... hellooo!!!  i got my own laptop n my own wimax at home okay!!! henpon aku pon bleh men tenet aihh....whatever la...

sekilas pndang si kerbau pendek tersenyum puas selepas mengenakan aku....!!  sial !!

si kueh donat : so sha... after this u will work under my control....so i need u to be more initiative.

aku : whatver la....

itu la serba sedikit meeting aku dgn org atasan aku yg mcm baboon.....

si kerbau pendek ugut member kamceng aku.....bila aku ditukarkan ke office atas, kerbau pendek warning Ct jatt supaya jgn sembang or tegur aku langsung sbb dia anti aku.  entah apa la masalah dia....xpuas hati apa ntah...

tnggu beb...
satu  persatu aku note down....kes kau fitnah aku punya husband..pun masih menbara lagi...jeles sbb dia dah monopos n laki pun dah mampus!! ( mulut aku tngh jahat nih)

step seterusnya.......
searching 4 new job opportunities......

lepas aku kuar dr company tu.. aku akan make sure si kerbau pendek tu akan melangkah kuar dr company tu!!

So itu saja la yang fiq review...sapa tak puas hati lets go khumen banyak-banyak...


1 comment:

Damas said...

Kerbau pendek, cicak kobeng
ahak..sabar byak2, den pun slalu kna cplain. tpi den keja cma nk pngalaman utk bkan pniagaan sndiri ja..

so den ada tag nama mu dlm entri den.. jom tgok.
